Háztartási gép szerviz Budapesten és Pest megyében
Budapesten és Pest megyében

Hotpoint Ariston hibakód


Mosógép hibakód

F1 – Motor Triac Short

The motor triac controls the speed of your washing machine motor. If a fault with the triac, the triac connections or wiring or the motor has developed you’ll see this error. You’ll need to check all of the aforementioned areas to get to the bottom of the problem.

F2 – Motor jammed or tacho off

The tacho measures the speed of the motor. If your washing machine has detected a fault with it this indicates that the motor is not turning as expected or there’s a problem with the tacho itself.  Check:
– Motor
– Tacho
– Connections between motor and tacho
– Main circuit board.

F3- NTC thermistor shorted or open circuit

The NTC thermistor lets the washing machine know the temperature of the water. You can usually find it in or next to the heating element. To establish the cause of this fault check the thermistor, the connections to it and the connections to the main control module.

F4 – Pressure switch jammed on empty

The pressure switch tells the machine whether or not there’s water in the drum. A pressure switch jammed on empty will tell the washing machine that there isn’t any water inside, even if there is. Investigate the hose to the switch for blockages, wiring, module connections and the switch itself to find the fault.

F5 – Pressure switch jammed on full

The opposite fault to the above, if the pressure switch is jammed on full it will tell your machine there is water inside it even when there is no water in the machine. As above this could be caused by the hose to the switch being blocked, faulty wiring, module connections or by the switch itself. This fault could also be caused by a blocked pump, so if you can’t a problem elsewhere check the pump and unblock it if necessary.

F6 – Not used

Sometimes error codes that aren’t used still flash up if there is a fault with the electronics in your machine. This fault will require further investigation if you see it and could be an issue with the program selector if you have an older machine.

F7 – Heater relay stuck

If there is a problem with the heating system in your machine you’ll see this fault. Check:

–          The heating element and wiring

–          The connections to the control module

–          The heating components

F8 – Heater relay stuck

As above this fault indicates a problem with the heating system in your machine and could also be caused by the pressure switch.

F9 – Setup Error

This error is not easy to fix as it is not just the case of removing a faulty part and fitting a spare, but potentially completely reprogramming or replacing the electronics in the washing machine. This is probably best left to the professionals.

F10 – Pressure Switch

This fault indicates a problem with the pressure switch, which monitors the amount of water in the washing machine drum. Check the hose to the switch for blockages, the pressure switch itself or its connections or wiring could be faulty, or there could be a problem elsewhere in the pressure system.

F11 – Drain pump

If you see this error it means your washing machine drain pump (the part which drains water from your machine) is not working as expected. There could be a blockage stopping it from working. Check the pump for obstructions and if there are none check the connections between the pump and the electronics module.

Here’s how to check your machine for drainage issues and replace the pump:


F12 – No communication between control boards

There could be a faulty cable between the two electronic control cards in your machine causing this error. It could also be the case that one of the control cards itself has failed.

F13 – High dryer temperature

This is a fault which could appear if you have a washer dryer and it has overheated. Check the lint filters and the machine for blockages to air flow as this could be causing the dryer to get too hot. If the air can flow freely, then the fault could be caused by the dryer motor or thermistor (dryer sensor).

If it’s the dryer sensor causing the fault Mat explains how to fix it:


F14 – Dryer not heating

Conversely, if the dryer won’t heat at all there could be a number of causes. Investigate the:

–          Thermostat

–          Heating element

–          Module connections

–          Fan motor

F15 – Dryer element relay

A fault with the dryer element could be caused by:

–          The element itself

–          Faulty wiring

–          Module connections

–          The thermostats

F16 – Not used

As with F6 this fault is not used but may still appear. The electronics will need to be diagnosed as they could be faulty.

F17 – Door lock

If the door lock error code flashes it could just be that the door hasn’t been closed properly. Otherwise this error could be caused by a broken door lock mechanism, broken door handle or faulty connections.

F18 – Communications Error on 3 phase motor

This is a tricky fault code. The power board in your machine will quite possibly need replacing if you see this error which is another fix best left to a qualified professional.

Mosogatógép hibakód

  1. AL01. A lefolyó vagy vízellátó rendszer szivárgása, nyomáscsökkenése. A serpenyőben víznyomok lesznek, az „úszó” megváltoztatja a helyzetét.
  2. AL02. Nem jön be a víz. A probléma központosítható, ha az egész házban vagy lakásban kikapcsolják az ellátást, valamint helyi. A második esetben érdemes ellenőrizni a szelepet a csövön.
  3. AL 03 / AL 05. Dugulás. Ha rendszeresen nagy ételmaradékot tartalmazó edények kerülnek a gépbe, a felgyülemlett törmelék eltömítheti a szivattyút, a csövet vagy a leeresztő tömlőt. Ha a rendszeres vízleeresztésre szánt 4 perc nem vezet a rendszer teljes kiürítéséhez, a gép jelzést ad.
  4. AL04. Szakadt áramkör a hőmérséklet-érzékelő tápellátásában.
  5. AL08. Fűtésérzékelő hibás. Ennek oka lehet a vezetékek megszakadása, a modul rossz rögzítése a tartályhoz.
  6. AL09. Szoftverhiba. Az elektronikus modul nem olvas adatokat. Érdemes a készüléket leválasztani a hálózatról, újraindítani.
  7. AL10. A fűtőelem nem működik. 10-es hibával a vízmelegítés nem lehetséges.
  8. AL11. A keringető szivattyú elromlott.A mosogatógép a víz leszívása és felmelegítése után azonnal kikapcsol.
  9. AL99. Sérült tápkábel vagy belső vezeték.
  10. F02 / 06/07. A régebbi mosogatógép-modellek esetén a vízellátással kapcsolatos problémákat jelzi.
  11. F1. A szivárgásvédelem aktiválódott.
  12. A5. Hibás nyomáskapcsoló vagy keringető szivattyú. Alkatrészt cserélni kell.
  13. F5. Alacsony vízállás. Ellenőriznie kell a rendszer szivárgását.
  14. F15. Az elektronika nem érzékeli a fűtőelemet.
  15. F11. A víz nem melegszik fel.
  16. F13. Probléma a fűtéssel vagy a víz elvezetésével. A 13-as hiba azt jelzi, hogy ellenőriznie kell a szűrőt, a szivattyút, a fűtőelemet.

Szárítógép hibakód

F01 – The motor is running when it shouldn’t be

There are various connections to the control module in your tumble dryer. Moisture in your machine can on some occasions cause these connections to short circuit. If this has happened to the J3 control module connector this can cause the motor to run when it should be off. If this is the case the module will need replacing.

F02 – Faulty motor

This error code could be caused by a faulty motor, motor wiring or once again the J3 connector to the control module. Test all three to get to the bottom of which part in your appliance needs replacing.

F03 – Front thermistor faulty    

The cause of this fault will be related to the thermistor (heating sensor) in your tumble dryer. You’ll need to look into the J12 module connector, the thermistor itself and the connections and wiring between the two.

F04 – The pump is running when it shouldn’t be

Similar to the F1 error, moisture in your machine could have caused a short circuit in one of the control module connections, on this occasion the J5 module connector. Check the connector. Once again the module will need replacing if it has shorted.

F05 – The pump is not running when it should be

If moisture has caused the J5 control module to short circuit it can also cause the opposite problem to the above and the pump may fail to run when it should. Again the module will need to be replaced to resolve this issue.

F06 – Not used

This error code should not be displayed so if you see it there could be a serious problem with the electronics in your machine.

F07 – Lower heating element failure

If there is a problem with the lower heating element in your tumble dryer you may see this error. Check the element itself as well as the connections and wiring between the element and the J4 control module as well as the module itself.

Take a look at our video below to see how to replace the element:


F08 – The lower element is on when it shouldn’t be

If the lower heating element is working when it shouldn’t be, once again this fault could be caused by moisture short circuiting a control module, on this occasion the J4 module. Check the connections and wiring to both the element and the control module. The module may have to be replaced if it’s faulty.

F09 – Programming error

If you see this error it is likely that the control board in your machine will need to be replaced and/or reprogrammed. As reprogramming the electronics in your machine requires specialist equipment that’s quite expensive, this is one of the rare cases where we’d advise contacting a qualified repairer, rather than having a go fixing your machine yourself.

F10 –Heater circuit fault

If there’s an issue with your tumble dryer heater, as this error code indicates, you’ll need to check the J4 module connector, the heater, heating elements and wiring and connections between them.

F11 –Pump is detected as open circuit

You’ll need to check the pump and its wirings and connections as well as the wiring and connections between the pump and the corresponding control module (J5) if you encounter this problem with the tumble dryer pump circuit. The J5 module itself may also have developed a fault, though this error is more commonly caused by the pump circuit itself.

F12 – Faulty connection between the display and the control modules

If the tumble dryer display can’t communicate with the control module this error will appear. Check the J9 module connection and wiring and the wiring and connections to your machine’s display. The display, module or wiring may need to be replaced once you’ve established which part of your machine is causing the fault code to appear.

F13 – Rear thermistor circuit fault

This error indicates a problem with the tumble dryer thermistor (temperature sensor). Check the thermistor and its wiring and connections as well as the wiring and connections to the J4 module connector.

F14 – Upper element failure

This fault code relates to the upper element in your tumble dryer. The element or the wiring or connections to it could be faulty as could the J4 connection to the main control module. The fault could also be caused by wiring which has short circuited due to moisture in your machine. The module itself commonly causes this fault and may need replacing in your machine.

F15 – The upper element is on when it shouldn’t be

If the J4 connector has short circuited it can also have the opposite effect, causing the element to be on when it should be off. As above, the module is a common cause of this issue, but the problem could also be caused by the heating element and wiring between the element and the module.

F16 – Not Used

As per fault F6 this error code isn’t used so if you see it there could be a serious problem with the electronics in your machine.

F17 – Master relay contacts welded closed

Your control module will need replacing if this fault occurs.

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