N/C |
No Fault Code Displayed: Controller failure or NTC shortThis will appear as if the washing machine is completely dead and lifeless with no indication of power at all as well as completely unresponsive but mains power is being supplied to the machine.
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N/C |
No Fault Code Displayed: Door lock failureShould the controller be unable to lock the door within 20 seconds of the program being started then the machine will revert to program selection. The start/pause LED will be seen to flash.
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F01 |
Not filling with water or fill detection errorAfter six minutes, if the machine does not fill with water, then the water valves will be shut off and the LED with a water tap symbol will be lit. You can attempt to restart the program by simply pressing the start/pause button again however, the washing machine will only work if the fill issue is resolved. No Water In Your Washing Machine:
Water In Your Machine But No Fill Error:
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F02 |
Aquastop error detectedIf the Aquastop leak detection system is activated then the washing machine will drain for three to six minutes then the program will end and the door will unlock. The activation occurs when the contact switch in the base of the washing machine inside is closed for more than 30 seconds. No Water In Your Washing Machine:
Water In Your Machine But you have The Aquastop Error:
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F03 |
Water drain timeout errorThis error is displayed when the washing machine fails to drain or, fails to drain in a predetermined time period. Once the allotted time is exceeded the machine will light the „Clean Filter” indicator. The washing machine will time out on drain after approximately four minutes when it will switch to what is known as impulse draining where the pump will run for ten seconds, then off for ten seconds for a period of around four minutes in an attempt to clear any blockage.
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F04 |
Water heating phase timeoutShould the water temperature not exceed 35˚C (on appropriate cycle or settings) after approximately fifty minutes the controller will display this error.
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F05 |
Water temperature sensor errorShould the resistance reading for the NTC or thermistor fall out of the expected range then this error will be displayed. Note that, as above, should the NTC be short circuited it can cause the washing machine to fail to power up, it will appear as if the washing machine is dead.
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F06 |
Drive motor tachometer errorThis error occurs when the main control unit fails to detect the motor speed from the tachometeric generator fitted to the motor either through an incorrect resistance or the tacho is not correctly fitted into place. The machine will try to detect the reading several times before aborting the program ans shutting down with this error being displayed. When checking ensure that the drive belt and belt tension are okay as this can cause this error.
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F07 |
Motor controller triac errorThe main control unit has detected a short in the motor triac.
Whirlpool advise that if failure occurs with universal motor, replace control unit but if the washing machine has a CIM, BPM or Direct Drive motor to change the motor. |
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F08 |
Open circuit error detected on heating circuitThe main control unit in the washing machine has detected that there is an open circuit somewhere in the heating circuit. The main control unit will detect this error at the start of a program and during the spin phase.
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F09 |
Motor control unit low voltage detectedThis will fault code only be displayed on washing machines that have a CIM, BPM or Direct Drive motor fitted and an external motor control unit is used. The motor control unit has detected that the voltage supplied to it is less than 170V AC and this is not a defect of the component itself but of the mains voltage input.
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F10 |
Motor control unit detects an overheatThis fault code is only displayed on washing machines that have a CIM, BPM or Direct Drive motor fitted and an external motor control unit is used. The motor control unit has detected an overheat situation.
In all the above cases allowing the machine to cool off with the issue resolved should allow the washing machine to work again. If the fault persists after these issues are addressed then the following will apply:
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F11 |
Motor control unit has failed to initialiseThis fault code will again only be displayed on washing machines that have a CIM, BPM or Direct Drive motor fitted and an external motor control unit is used. The motor control unit has failed to initialise during the power on self test process or an error has been detected with the motor control unit. This can be cause by a wiring fault or short as well as loose plugs or poor connection. When you power on the washing machine and voltage is supplied to the motor control unit it performs a self test sequence automatically. You will hear an audible „click” as the relay switches when power is applied and the self test is completed successfully.
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F12 |
Heater circuit failureThis error code is displayed when the main control unit detects an error somewhere on the heating circuit, usually a short circuit in this case.
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F13 |
Controller fails to detect door lock triac correctlyThis error code is displayed if the main control unit fails to detect the door lock triac correctly. Also, if the controller cannot unlock the door after 240 seconds after the cycle is completed then this error will be shown. If displayed switch the washing machine off completely, we recommend disconnecting it from the mains supply for a few seconds. Switch it back on and the controller will attempt to unlock the door once more but, if it fails to do so in the same 240 seconds the error code will be displayed once more.
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F14 |
EEEPROM errorThe main controller gets all its instructions from an EEPROM that is fitted onboard the main controller PCB, if there is an error reading this software then you will see this error appear. It is worth noting that this is uncommon and to damage the EEPROM permanently as it is hard coded. We often comment that two things can alter a washing machine’s program software, physical damage to the chip or board and an electro-magnetic pulse, which is highly unlikely. These software instructions are designed to remain unchanged and cannot be altered without some form of interference normally. In other words, the problem has been caused by something outside of the washing machine. On this range of Whirlpool washing machines the error can be show as a result of a mains power glitch, usually a power spike. You can attempt to reset the washing machine by removing power for a short period and then reconnecting, it may clear the error. Should that fail to work Whirlpool recommend that the test program is run to check the EEPROM, if this fails then you must replace the main electronic control board.
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F15 |
Drum Up circuit missingThis error code will only apply to Whirlpool top-loading washing machines that are fitted with the Drum Up circuit. The main control unit has detected that the Drum Up switch is closing during the wash process. This error code should only be displayed when running a test program.
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F18 |
Excessive foam detected during wash cyckeIf the main electronic control unit is unable to detect that water has been drained out of the washing machine or unable to spin after several attempts then this fault code will be displayed. The presence of excessive foam can cause the pressure sensor to be held open, tricking the electronics into thinking that the washer has failed to drain when water has in fact been emptied from the machine. Often, when left for a while to allow the lather to dissipate, the washing machine will work normally after a few hours. Excessive lather can also cause spin errors as well as leaks. Poor quality detergents and conditioners do have a tendency to foam or lather more than leading brands in our experience. In virtually all cases, other then where there is an obvious fault, this will be a use related issue.
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F19 |
Control relay for motor controller faultyThis fault code is only displayed on washing machines that have a CIM, BPM or Direct Drive motor fitted and an external motor control unit is used. The main electronic control unit has failed to detect the relay that switches the motor control unit on and off has operated correctly. This relay is fitted on the main electronic controller and it is highly unlikely that there is an issue with the electronic board that controls the drive motor.
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F21 |
User interface errorThis fault code will only be seen on washing machine models that Whirlpool say have a Smart User Interface. Essentially it is the main electronic control unit reporting that it can’t talk to the user board for some reason. The error should be displayed using the status LED because the control unit canot contact the user board to display it there.
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F22 |
Motor control unit communications failureThis fault code is again only displayed on washing machines that have a CIM, BPM or Direct Drive motor fitted and an external motor control unit is used. The main electronic controller ha failed to communicate with the electronic motor control unit.
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F23 |
Pressure switch failureShould the main electronic control unit detect that the wash level contact (or level) is on and the switch level for wash heater safety is off for any more than ten seconds during a wash this error code will be displayed. Resetting the program may clear this error but unlikely.
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F24 |
Water overflow detectedAs with many washing machines the Whirlpool washers using this software have an overflow sensor built into the level switch or sensor, sometimes called a pressure switch. This is a safety measure to prevent flooding but it can be activated for a number of other reasons and, most commonly, by user error. When activated the machine will close the water inlet valves if they are open and switch the drain pump on. The overflow level must have been reached for more than five seconds for these events to happen. Once again, overdosing of detergents or conditioner can cause this error to manifest as excess lather or foam can travel up into the pressure sensor causing the level to be falsely reported to the electronics. Poor quality detergents also tend to foam more than leading brands.
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F26 |
Drain pump triac failureThis error code is displayed when the main electronic controller fails to detect the triac that controls the outlet drain pump during the wash cycle.
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F27 |
Reverse relay failureThis fault code will only be shown when the test cycle is in operation. The electronic controller has detected that the main drive motor can only run in one direction.
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F28 |
Tapped field failureThe electronic controller has been unable to switch on the tapped field on the drive motor.
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F29 |
Door cannot unlock – mechanical issueThis error code indicates that the washing machine cannot unlock or release the door lock for some reason and, in this instance, this will be due to a mechanical issue in most cases.
Wave Washing MachinesOn Wave series Whirlpool washing machines the door lock will time out to fail in four minutes however if the error is detected three times in sixteen cycles this error will occur on the third instance of the problem being detected. The cycle can be restarted but the door will remain locked. The indication of this problem can only be cleared by running the test program or by reprogramming the electronic card Wave 2 Washing MachinesAs above but: The door lock time out is increased to six minutes. The door lock is not locked whilst the failure is displayed. It is not required to delete the failure as above. |
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F31 |
Blocked drum detectedThis error code is only used on Whirlpool top loading washing machines. Although almost all washing machine manufacturers refer to this as a „blocked drum fault” what they mean in layman’s terms is that the drum in the washing machine is jammed and cannot move. In this instance, because it is used on a top-loader, it can mean as follows but also see error code F06 for other possible causes.
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F40 |
Communication failure or low ambient temperatureThis fault code will only be shown when the test cycle is in operation. The main electronic controller fails to be able to communicate with the Myst Extension Board (MEB). It is possible that this code is also displayed in the ambient (room) temperature is lower than 5˚C where the washing machine is positioned although it has been reported to occur where the temperature is a little higher than this therefore, greater than 10˚C should be regarded as a minimum ambient temperature.
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F41 |
MEB board failureThis fault code will only be shown when the test cycle is in operation. The MEB has been detected as being faulty.
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F42 |
Stem unit failureThis fault code will only be shown when the test cycle is in operation. If there is any failure detected in the steam generating unit or the control NTC for the steamer then this error code will be displayed on the test program. SAFETY NOTE: Before working on the steam unit ensure that the washing machine is disconnected from the mains!
To check the steamer resistance measure across pins one and three, you should get a reading of 48-57 Ohms (Ω), if it is outside of this reading then it is likely faulty. |
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F43 |
Steam valve failure detectedThis fault code will only be shown when the test cycle is in operation. If there is no water supply or a restricted supply from the likes of a low mains water pressure then this error code will be shown.